Tuesday, March 5, 2013

An unforgettable experience of Worship

worship at the Seminary
I hurried out after getting ready and in the direction of  where I had seen the two deacons run to, and found the chapel.

I entered the chapel into a world that seemed different from where I had come from. HG Dr. Yuhannon Mar Milithios Metropolitan was the chief celebrant. HG was flanked by several priests, deacons and alter servants inside the Madbaha (the most Holy Place). As I walked into the church, I passed a couple priests standing close to the back wall. So now I had priests behind and in front of me. I was not used to that! :)

But what struck me most was the sight of all the 50+ Seminarians, all dressed in the white cloak (Shushroosha kuppayam). I was the only person in the whole church in normal shirt and pant and without a cloak. To say that I seemed like the odd one out was an understatement.

Mar Milithios
The next thing that struck me was the perfection in the singing, in the responses. There was no music, or if there was, I dont remember; there was no choir, or if there was, I dont recollect; there was only the melodious rendition of Holy Qurbana synching so beautifully with the prayers of the celebrant. I felt that was how the Holy Qurbana was meant to be - where the music, the choir, the individual all blend into the powerful and synchronous participation of the crowd.

I suddenly became conscious of myself, that I was the only one who was standing out, that I was the only one different - perhaps a little bit like Isaiah the great prophet might have felt like when he was taken to the presence of the Lord. "I am in a holy place, I must guard that I am not an obstacle in the flow of the holiness in the place" the thought had crossed me then.

At the end, I watched as the Seminarians and the deacons as well as the priests lined up to kiss the hand of the celebrant. I joined them and kissed the blessed hand of Milithios Thirumeni(bishop) before quietly exiting the chapel in line as I concluded one of the most unforgettable experiences of worship for me.

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